Sunday, July 18, 2010

Out of balance...

I'm out of balance lately... off center...

As happy as my life is lately, I'm somewhat melancholy inside.  Maybe that's why my visual art is non-existent and writing... blog posts, haiku and other poetry and prose have come to the forefront.  It's time to get back to my yoga practice, but my studio closed and I can't find another one that I can afford.  It's difficult to participate in large classes due to physical limitations resulting from a motorcycle accident a couple of years ago.  Speaking of which, my bike is not running and it's been so hot, riding my way back to center is not an option... at least for a while.

I'll figure it all out... This I know...


  1. love your new banner....
    the reference to metamorphosis.
    life is such a balancing act, some days moment to moment.

    wonderful having you for haiku fridays...
    curious about your art....

  2. balance WILL return .... good for you to be so well tuned in ... with that you're more than halfway there.

  3. I'll keep you in my prayers. I am ashamed to say that I have felt down lately...without any good reason. But for many people health problems are a real struggle...and I know it must be hard not to be discouraged. I hope you are fully recovered soon to do all the things you want to do! Hugs! Diane ♥

  4. I think we all feel this way sometimes when our inner self is needing some loving. I feel out of balance too right now and I think it's the stress of moving to be honest. Although I am very happy I often feel this way as there is just too much to get done in a day at the moment. I must admit I am not taking enough time to just "be" so it's my own fault.
