Saturday, June 19, 2010

Floral Progress....

I hope you've all had a wonderful... or at least productive week.  I was traveling for work all week and didn't get online.  I fully intended to participate in Tuesday Tea, but the hotel wireless was such a pain to get on that I just read instead.  So I'm home now, relaxing this morning while hubby works on my SUV.  Maybe when he's finished I'll be able to run my a/c without the engine overheating... It's been in the 90s and I can't run my a/c... I'm meltiiiiinnnnggggg.....   Anyway... remember this?

Here it is once the flowers actually emerged....

Isn't it exquisite!

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Your flower is beautiful, it looks unreal. Nature is amazing. Thank you for your kind words this morning they are greatly appreciated.

  2. oh i don't want you to melt away!'s hoping it's fixed....i'm currently trying to debug my son's laptop..and it's not going very well!


    thanks for sharing this's so it!

    ciao bella
    ooohhh....and thanks for stopping in to see me as well!!!

    creative carmelina
